Banked it

Well, got the run banked.  Just under 5 miles @ 6.15/mm avge.  HR was high for this but was well over dressed (leggins, long sleeve & body warmer).  Splits 6.34, 6.18, 6.05, 6.01 and 6.19 for last bit.

Pace was pretty relaxed but felt like I was moving well.  Over the next 2-3 months this needs to become easier and more regular if mileage stays around 40 per week.  I think it's bang on the sweet spot in terms of quality and mileage for me.

Paces are getting where they need to be.  mid 5 miles of my 6 tempo was at 5.40 pace on Tuesday - it's a very fast and flat route at lower mill but anything 5.3x at threshold is absolute golden - that's the holly grail for me.  I'm 2 bpm over threshold for that after a rest day so not a million miles off.

I am not seeing any reason to go over 6 miles for my tempo runs (well, can add an extra bit cool down at low 6s like last time).  If I can do the hill route, even stopping at the bridge, at 159 bpm avg in 5.3x I think that's a huge step up. 

My hard steady runs are coming down to 6.2x - 6.3x range, like tonight the closer to low 6s the better on these. General runs at 7.15/mm which VDOT puts at slow end of easy so these should come down a bit.

Long runs are getting done.  10 miles is plenty this side of Christmas but maybe a bit longer in new year.

Track is important. Bought XC spikes mainly because they have a good bit of cushioning and support that the 4% miss. Will get back on the routine as soon as foot is clear - it's been driving the times down.

Next week looks something like this -

Mon - REST
Tue - Threshold 6
Wed - 10 easy progressive
Thu - 5 steady
Fri - 5 easy with strides
Sat - Race 5k XC relays
Sun - 10 easy (may still do Frostbite)


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