
When is a niggle not a niggle?  When it's an injury.

Fucked off today, heel pain probably full blown Plantar Fasciitis. Very sore last night and this morning.  Has been more than manageable recently but today was a wake up.  Lots of ice, stretching, rolling, pilates, glute work, calf stretching & hill walking on treadmill.  Finished off by shaving half my lower leg and wrapping in KT tape.


Not a lot can be done, resting isn't going to heal it so just hoping I can manage through and keep running.  Probs best to stay off track for a while (only tomorrows session for next 2 weeks anyways) and staying on road in comfortable trainers (read 4%s)

Will keep up the rehab - do at least an hour a day to keep the rest of the body going - and strength work and fingers crossed we'll pass through with minimum of fuss.

Been a solid 6+ months of running without much in the way of serious niggles so hopefully won't be a total disaster.


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