Attempt #2

Birthday today, 45. Got pretty much all I could want in life but being able to run feels like something small to wish for (I appreciate it's not always that simple)

Attempt last week to run led to pain and weakness.

Attempt today - 1 lap of park. Felt OK, definate aches but feels more muscular than structural. Last week had a real feeling pf weakness in the hip which I didn't feel today. Some aches around it but not deep.

At the stage the weight is starting to appear - 10 st 13.13 today which is up where it was when I started to run again.

Maybe smaller runs to keep mobile are the way forward but it feels like the right time to start running again and trying to go through the pain. 5 weeks - nearly 6. If it's not healing now then maybe it never will and I'm doomed anyway.

Build slow and keep the dream alive.


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