Achillies Tendon Niggles - Day4

Today was the day I got my arse into gear!

Woke up, felt it but considerably better and not hobbling instead of walking.

Lacrosse ball rub, 3 x 15 weighted (10kg) heel drops, Balance lean (2x10), weighted lunges (2x10), Raised rear leg lunges (2x10) and 5k walk.

After all that practically zero issue so fingers crossed on the mend.  Tomorrow I will do again (and every morning) and hopefully try and jog if things stay OK. If not I'll just do the rehab and push back a day.

Cannot start running unless I notice zero issues (unless I am really digging for it).

So an improvement plus I got some S&C in at the very least so progress.

Tomorrow if I can get out I would imagine it'll be rusty but not terminal. Each extra day from that though will be hammering away at the fitness.

I'll ice a bit today and zap it a bit just to hopefully speed up the process.

Thinking onwards, once I can run pain free I need to build up with some dynamic loading.


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