Bitter Sweet Times

Firstly the sweet - swimming. A game changer in the pool Monday night. A pure technique session with Josh and after working on a better body position (arse higher, head lower) stroke count reduced dramatically.

In fact I was averaging between 20 and 22 strokes per length for the 50's I was doing. We spent a long time analysing and tweeking it to get the position right and my kick finally 'kicked' in (pardon the pun). Speed wasn't great, between 51 and 55 per 50 with long recovery but the focus was on a long stroke and I finally nailled it.

It's great because the speed can come in the new year, all I want to do between now and Christmas is get 20 strokes for every 25m in the pool comfortably.

Went back into the pool today and only knocked out a short session of 800m BUT was all under 22 sttrokes per length.

So in the past few days I have hit swim and bike targets and now I can only get stronger.

So to the bitter. Yesterdays run my calf was tightening up from track on Tuesday last week. Felt manageable but really pulled quite badly 3 miles in. Tried to jog it off but wasn't happening so had to walk 2 miles home - head down.

And today, felt OK all morning. Hit the pool feeling good and looking to get a few lengths in then just felt suddenly fatigued. Back to work then home and bang started feeling really rough.

Planned to do a 20 on the bike so binned that off as I feel really weak at the minute. On the Lemsip, probably just need to sleep well tonight.

I'll see how it goes tomorrow but maybe an entire days rest and then back on the bike Thursday for a longer ride. All going well I'll be running Friday.

In honesty it's the running that worries me, it hasn't progressed for a good 3 weeks and I have not had the consistency. Also with this calf (does feel much better today) it's uncertain when I can focus on it.

Feel like I need to get back on the strong 8 mile runs that were a corner stone for my training last year and early this year. Certainly need to get more quality in there - I am being left behind!

So feeling frustrated right now, it's heading in the right direction but I just want to get out and bank some hours and get some quality in.


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