The Good, The Bad and The Downright Ugly

The Good
Saturdays ride was a game changer!  There are 4 things that helped -
  • I changed my stem on my bike from 100mm to 60mm to lessen the stretching on my arms - not so noticable over 20 or so but on the 90 my back ached.
  • I have a 90 mile ride in my legs which I essentially rested all week between rides.
  • I am working on lower cadence and higher gears to get more power down, have been leg spinning at 95-100 rpm with no gains so far.
  • Most importantly (I think) I raised my saddle an inch or so.
Result was this  -

34 miles @ 19.9 mph (Strava come up slower - traffic lights and shit like that).  Complete change from previous course best of 18.8 mph when I killed it.  This time I felt controlled and relaxed and hitting 22/23 mph on the flat felt comfortable whereas before I topped out at that.  So really pleased with that!

Also, getting my garage games room re-done after last times bodge job.  Friend is helping me out and we spent all day Sunday putting a new ceiling up (properly this time), new ariel sorted and 3D TV arrived for those long winter turbo sessions :)  Lot of work to be done but week or two will be ready for grand opening!

The Bad
Sundays run was a very tired one and the 15 easy / 8 hard option become 5 miles HR test - a bottle job but I was knackered and had been grafting all day.  HR was too high from the off, combination of no run forcus, not enough hard runs, tired calves (from track), long day, bad diet all added up and shows me that things are not heading forward in running.  Need to focus this week, get a good tempo & longish run in and a couple of steadies at least.  Next race is Frostbite and need to start the season in decent nick.  Plenty of time to address the issues just need to get the head down and do it!

The Ugly
The diet, a truely awful week or two of eating.  Snacking, junk, not refueling properly, boozing.  I need to concentrate here as I need to put the right petrol in the engine and it's just not happening at the minute.  From today on we will be better!!

So, today will run fairly steady over the trails in a minute and then swim session tonight.  Thursday will be tempo day and I am planning to ride tomorrow (might do a Strava interval session) and rest Wednesday to bring it back into line.  Longish run Friday and swim with some intervals on the road at the weekend.  Sounds like a plan?  I'll do 2 recovery runs and 2 turbo sessions to make up for this week :)

Daughters birthday today, 2 already - where has the time gone???


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