
So got today's run in.

Scores on the doors - 5 miles @ 7.01/mm @ 140 bpm

Looks good on paper but needed a few stops to stretch and was fairly achey by the end. Running on toes def helped and it was a matter of trying to find form that I could run comfortably - bit like moving around in an airplane seat.

First mile was easy, felt good and no issues.  Started to ache a bit after that - problem was if I stopped it became harder to start. Quads ached a bit and noticed a lack of conditioning but to be expected after time off. 

Again, pace no issue but I couldn't see how I could run a lot harder - 5.30's without HR going lunar. Crept up to 154 bpm at one stage.

Key now is to see if it eases off tonight. If I can run tomorrow it will be a bonus but may just  rest either way to give myself more chance of running over the weekend.

Took ibro afterwards and it's a lot better. Will keep the flossing up plus exercises tonight and hope that sleep eases back off more too.  Not out of the woods but all in all a better experience than Tuesday. At this stage can't really imagine running with no hindrance.  The other concern is while it's still niggly I will cause and inverse injury from managing around it.

Pilates tomorrow and travel to camp in the evening. If I do run (if) it'll be very short treadmill I expect but honestly can't see it being OK by tomorrow.


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