House of cards

It really feels like I'm on the edge of falling apart at the minute.  Getting through these niggles is critical.  Fucking typical bollocks.  Give me a clear bill of health and I can't be arsed to drag myself off the sofa.  Give me a couple of niggles to nurse and I'm keener than Kipchoge.

Session planned tonight was a pretty comfortable tempo 5 x 1,000m on the track with the boy.  Aim to be progressive starting at 3.25 then slicing a couple of seconds off per lap (ish) down to 3.05-3.10 by the end.  200m walk / jog recovery so not a lot of effort really until the last two.

Warmed up, Garmin thinks 4 laps in lane 8 is just under a mile !

Stretched, felt OK.  Hip / glute niggle still there but hoping it will subside.

First rep on the nose. 3.24.9 even paced.  Warmed up, never the best on rep 1 but it's a starter.

Second rep - 3.19 - again on the money for pace.  Feel easy on this one but wondering if I can pick up.  We're at roughly 5k pace so shouldn't be a stretch but it's fairly windy.

Third one - pushed on a bit and started a little fast with a 76. Finished strong in 3.12 and feel much better. Effort wise I'm not struggling.  Hip / glute pain is there and also the quad is tight. Bollocks.

Settle on the fourth probably being the last one as I don't want to take too many risks.

Fourth one - Start harder in 73 and keep it fairly even (2.27 at 800m) and finish in 3.07.9. Actually feel really good on this one. Don't get me wrong, it was hard but could have probably knocked out a few of these in a group on a decent day.

Wrap it up with a 200m in 35 to check.  Nope, hipglute is still fucked. In fact could only hobble 800m cool down as it wasn't right.  Shame as I would easily have knocked out similar for 5th rep.

4 x 1000m off 200 walk/jog avge 3.16

Think it's sciatic issue. Hopefully ibroprofen will help until whatevers trapping the nerve clears up.

It's a pain in the arse - more than literally - I'm going well but holding back right now.  Not really looking to push on this side of Christmas but it would equally be nice to know whether I'll be running in the morning!


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