D Day

Woke up feeling much clearer today. Still a little chesty, throat much better, head clearer it's 100% a run day but no idea how that will go yet.

Weight 10st 6.8lbs so far from  ideal but the elastic hasn't broken yet. If I can run with no major problems and continue to improve then I reckon I'll be fine next week at some stage.

Need to take my time returning to action here or at my age something will definitely fall off. Ran less than 5 miles in the past 7 days - ouch. I really, really need a following wind here.

Main thing now is to try and keep gettiing healthier every day. The fitness should slowly return. If I look at Friday (last run) was a solid session. Rest Saturday after a tough session will help and then from Sunday I am missing runs then in reality I have missed 3 days so I should only be 6 days to return to that level.

These things are never straight forward and I am not expecting plain sailing. Just keeping fingers crossed that it's a clear systems check tonight with pace/power/hr close enough to where they need to be to have a shot.

CTL down to 52 today from a high of 61 just 10 days ago.

ATL 25 and TSB a whopping 24 !! So in theory that's the freshest I've been for a while lol.

Last time CTL was 52 was 20th October so what took me a month to gain only took 10 days to loose lol Actually last time I was 52 was actually in not too bad shape so it's not a terrible number for me !

So the recovery plan is this - start running. Keep running. Stay healthy. Start to track food again (not until 100% no health issues) get fit.

Now I have switched A race target I have plenty of time to get myself into shape, just need to keep that focus for longer than I had intended and accept my winter break was a week feeling sorry for myself in November !!


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