Kingston Handicap take 2

Easy 3 this morning. First mile felt like I was back on the couch to 5k but settled in and felt pretty good by the finish.  Need to keep these regular easy doubles in, they help with the weight and keep the miles up.   Nice to run with no pressure either, I'm not fussed if these are 8s or 9s just nice to run totally relaxed.

Kingston Handicap tonight.  Arrived late so no warm up.  Set off with Chris from riverside (first timer) a minute up on Al.  No need for me to run these at 100% this is a great way to get some decent pace runs in at threshold.

From the off felt like I had concrete leg warmers on.  Jeez my legs were heavy but as Chris was pushing on I felt obliged to keep the pace up.  First 2 downhill miles in 5.44 and 5.39.  On to the rolling hills and a laboured 6.15/mm feeling not 100%. Chris pushed on, wasn't any real effort to go with.  I think he ran it hard, so I was happy enough to let him go.  On the downhill just kept the gap with a 5.49 pace last half mile.  20.20 for the 3.5 miles @ 5.52/mm avge and 162 bpm so pretty solid to be fair and just over threshold - mainly all on the hills !  Think Al was 19.45 and Chris 20.00 so happy enogh for a solid run. Will eed t do one of these at 100% one day but def didn't have the legs today to run flat out.

Jog back and done for the day. Calfs pretty smashed today still so lots of rolling and stretching. 8 for the day so need to get a few in tomorrow to get back on track #volumeweek


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