Parkrun take 3

So Thursday, felt indestructible after a decent track session. Woke up Friday morning feeling horrible.

Tried a run - absolute fuck fest, think I lasted a minute. lungs ached and felt shite. Ended up in bed early not fancying my chances of Parkrun today.

Alarm went off at 7 and to be fair I felt good.  Woke up, legs felt shocking but a cup of tea and a slice of toast later I knew today I would be running.

Headed down to Great Denham, left way too late and got there just after 8.50.  Legs felt shite as soon as I stepped out of the car.  Did a half mile warm up at 7.35/mm - my usual routine if i'm feeling spritely is a mile and a half at 6.45/mm #ouch

Very short stretch and everyone has done with the briefing at 9.01 - oh dear - thought I'd get 5 mins at least.  Ho hum!

We're off and I settle in behind John Uff and start to struggle instantly.  Pace around 5.45/mm then drops a bit to pass the first mile in 5.29.

Feel shit but reckon I can grind it out.  Touch wood will have a James Brown moment on lap 2.

Graft hard 2nd mile - pace keeps dropping but slowly from 5.30/mm to 5.40/mm at the end of the

Struggling - I feel horrific and wish I'd stayed in bed.  Maths isn't going well but pretty sure I'm sub 18.

Mile slows from a respectable pace down to 5.47/mm by the end of the mile as I turn for the last climb.  Don't really push but just feels like there's plenty of effort.  HR is low but I feel horrific.

Finish up in 17.35 - Garmin and time keepers concur and exactly 80.00% WAVA.

Take a good 15 mins before crawling a warm down. 

Clearly something in my system from Thursday. No doubt the worst I have ever felt in a race (yet) it felt shit from the first step and at no point did I feel like I was moving well.

Good news is that if I can run 17.35 feeling that bad I am in good shape.  I'd be confident coming back here and pushing for 16.xx fairly soon.  HR was low (think 165 bpm) and took belt off in last mile as it was getting on my tits (literally)

800m tomorrow in East Anglian League - touch wood if my sore calf eases off 2.20 ish will be on. Just need to get out hard enough.  Could do with a long run - will only be 5 days and around 30 miles this week but decent amount of quality at least.

So again, I get the worst side of luck - could easily have gotten lucky today but I live to fight another day and the good thing with Parkrun - there's always next week!


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