Mile reps

Easy 3 to spin the legs and burn some of the 4 lbs I gained in Munich off this morning. Pace came in at a respectable 8.02/mm to be fair.  Easy day then track tonight.

Change of plan from the usual #chubclub tempo as I wanted a fitness test adn Dan wasn't about anyway.

Met DC and the plan was 4 x mile off 200m walk recovery (~3 min).  Agreed to aim at 5.30 and see what happened. Take a lap each as the wind was pretty strong.

First one, DC led out laps 1 & 3 and myself 2 & 4.  Felt really easy with a 5.23 - happy days.

Second rep started a bit leggy but ran OK and switching out laps really makes a difference on the head. 5.21 feeling pretty solid.

Third rep, started to feel the pinch. DC started a little harder and I felt much better on the lead out laps than the follow ones. 5.19 and nice progression. Must admit that I felt it now, lack of conditioning showing as HR is much higher.

Last rep, solid start. Felt OK at 800m then bit heavy to the finish but take a solid turn and follow DC in last 100m in a decent 5.15. Very happy with that as it's rep #4 and only 5 secs slower than my standalone mile in May!

Decent session there, right up with track reps of the past. Will dig out best session but expect that it's pretty much on the nose albeit maybe slower last rep.  Speed still limiting factor but feeling much more at home on the track and starting to roll a bit now the weight has come down.

Parkrun Saturday - just as a tester so won't be full on but more likely keep the HR under control and hopefully get 17.15 ish down from 17.29 last time. Hopefully the range (17.00 - 17.30 is coming down a bit).

Will run easy tomorrow, fairly long (for me) just to top up but main thing now is to keep the rolling & stretching tonight. Legs feel pretty good now - touch wood!


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