2-Day Hangover!

Friday I managed a proper test on my arse. 6.2 miles @ 6:49/mm avge. HR was a bit high at 156 bpm but pretty decent affort and happy to have a good workout on the bag. Started very easy and worked the pace down a bit.

Went to a comedy night at the Belfry in the evening and managed to sink about 8 pints - ouch! Saturdays effort session was squeezed in to collecting the car as we had friends over coming over so only 25 mins to do a session including warm up! 3 x 3 mins with 2 min walk recovery over the trails. Switched GPS off and run to feel. Goood hard workout and worked up a proper sweat so know even though it probably wasn't dirty fast it was worth it!

Today got out for a gentle 90 mins on the HR at lunchtime. Kept to recovery 145 bpm and pleased with the result - 7:34 avge. Had to come home after 2 miles as the flies were a nightmare today and needed shades. Couldn't find my Oakleys (until I got in the bath after the run!) so ran in normal shades! Had a bit of a cough up after 7 miles as I was dehydrated and hungover but started to move well last few miles. Stopped at 10.5 to do some strides. The legs felt very shite at first but after 4 they started moving well. Ran the last mile and a half home easy - job done. Did a similar run just before HBO 10k and got 8:21/mm for similar HR.

Wednesday race is back on, plan for tomorrow & tuesday will be:

Mon - 5 HR test
Tue - 4 easy, 4 easy with strides

Should get me to the race in good shape. Shouldn't be far off a pb based on what I ran at Eye a couple of weeks ago and training has been similar.


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