Mile Swim

Plan for today was always to take a day off running and get a long swim in. Having entered a half ironman back in April (when I hadn't swum for years or even own a bike) I always felt that I would do it if I could get a distance swim and bike in.

Today wasn't the full distance swim but I could easily have done it if I needed to. Unfortunately the pool at John Warner was busy so I had to go to Manor of Groves. The MOG is only a 20m pool which meant I needed complicated maths to work out how many lengths I needed to do !!

No dramas, got in and hit straight off for 80 lengths. Did an extra couple at the end just incase I had miscounted but I'm sure that I did more if anything as if I wondered (54 or 56 for example) I made sure I called it the lower number.

Swim time was 37 mins. Happy with that as I got a few turns messed up but I felt very strong throughout and could have gone much further. Technique isn't brilliant but off just 5 swims I think that is pretty damn good!

So run and swim wise I am happy. Will continue the once a week swim as it's a decent core workout even if this triathlon stuff doesn't go anywhere and it's got to help with the lungs.

Aim now is to get a good 3/4 hour bike ride in. 2 flat tyres at the minute so that will be interesting!!! Want to do a hard ride at some stage as I felt that was a real hard tempo like workout and while I'm still new to the game there are some big gains for me there.

Rest of the week will look something like this...

Thur - am) 10 easy with Andy at work. pm) 5 HR test
Fri - 45 mins easy, won't have time for anything else
Sat - 6 x 1km hinchingbrook
Sun - 10 easy, 5 easy

That will give me 60 for the week which is bang where I need to be for 5k training.


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