Getting it done

Felt a bit bleugh today, really couldn't face 2 runs but knew I had to get it done. Plan was 10 this morning then 5 HR test this evening. Was going to run with Andy at work which would have been c 9/mm pace but he darted off early doors so I was on my own!

Set off and legs felt terrible. Not sure if it was the swim yesterday but I never felt great at all on the run. Garmin was also giving stupid readings - not sure if it was trees on the trails or what but I was 6 mins into the first mile at 7:20 pace and without slowing I ended up with 7.30. The second mile started at 8:20 pace !! Then half way through it was 7.35 pace before going up to 7.50 pace. I understand that pace is all over the shop early doors into a mile but half way through to change that much! So it all made the run even harder to get through. Winded it up at 8 miles, could have gone on but couldn't face it. 8.11 miles @ 7:58 pace.

Ate well in the afternoon and got out for the HR test this evening after putting it off as much as possible. Knew stats would be crap. 7:30 for 140 bpm, 7:05 for 150 bpm, 7:10 for 155 bpm, 6:40 for 160 bpm, 7:15 for 149 bpm warm down. Finished up with 150 bpm for 7:07/mm avge. Glad to get 13 miles in the bank for the day and I will sleep well tonight.

Think it's easy to run when you feel good but I days like these that get you through the tough patches in a race.


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