Getting it Done Again

Yesterdays run was 10 miles @ 167 bpm. Near as damn 10 miles tempo effort. Pace was shit but it was a workout. End of story, move on.

This afternoon got my regulation 10k run with Andy around the wildlife park. He's getting fitter - 8:17/mm - we were knocking these out at 9:30-10/mm at the start of the year ! 4.8 miles tonight, kids everywhere in Cambourne couldn't be arsed with the last extra bit choping and changing everywhere. 6:58/mm for the run feeling pretty easy. Feeling good sitting here typing this - no niggles or aches & feeling OK.

Been run down last week or so but it seems my pre-base work is done. I can run forever at 7/mm but sub 6:30 pace is too hard. Sure sign that it's time to move on a level.

Have started getting my steady run at around 7/mm - same for my long runs. Just need to push a little harder on them to keep it here for 16 miles and need to hold back to 7/mm on the shorter runs and see HR improvement. Easy runs anything from 8+/mm now but will try and run less than 20 miles a week easy now and do more steady.

Key for now to push on is also starting to do some hard tempo work. Try and get up to 3 1/2 miles @ 5:30 pace by the end of the month (well, have a 5 mile race so that will be interesting). Will start at 2 miles tomorrow and see what happens.

I will also throw some hills in - have option to do an early Saturday morning hill session with Kye at Houghton so may do that as time is perfect. Need to get strong - anytime the wind blows or there is a hill I am weak as a kitten and running on the flat all the time is not going to address this.

Finally, one thing I need to do is to start lifting the pace on my steady runs at the end. Again, I can plod along around 6:40 pace for 8 miles steady but not too sure about lifting to 6:20's at the end. I need to start dropping the pace to around 6:20 pace toward the end of some runs.

Lots to do but pleased I have finally hit a milestone - running comfortably at 7/mm.

September stats were

235 miles (2nd best this year)
7.27/mm age (14 sec/mile faster than last month)
7.00/mm General run pace (30 secs faster than last month)
4 long runs
1019 best beats per mile
3 races - all shite!

Not a bad month, happy with that but looking to push on now with the above. Been here before and turned it around but now I am ready to push on as my legs are responding. They just have no base speed in them so next stage in the plan is to get them used to running sub 6/mm pretty comfortably.


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