Upson Downs

After getting in from work yesterday, settled down on the sofa for a doze and woke up an hour and a half later feeling rough as a baders arse. Sore thorat and incredibly tired. Wound up in bed by half 8 for first early night for a while.

This morning woke up feeling not great but slightly better. Looks like I had been coming down with something for a while.

After dropping the little ones into nursery, decided on a change of plan from yesterday so got out for 10 miles @ 145 bpm. HR was well under control and felt ok running to be fair. The conditions, the slow trail I was on and the illness probably accounted for an extra 5 bpm so 8:09/mm wasn't that bad.

Jogged a further 3.5 tonight to top it up in a hoodie to sweat it out a bit. Legs feel pretty good and don't feel THAT bad so fingers crossed things are still ticking over. Barring disaster should be 5 weeks over 50 mpw - best since the start of the year. Hopefully if I start feeling better next week should start gettting ready to lift to 70+.

Sunday will be interesting. The plan at the minute is 2 easy miles, 13.1 @ MPish (6:30) then 3 easy. Will see how it pans out though, knowing me will be no warm up, 5 @ 6.00/mm, 7 @ 7:30/mm then no warm down !!


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