Don't call it a comeback

Ferry Meadows, Peterborough 5k series.  It's the Cambridgeshire old middle aged road runners version of what Watford is to track. Guaranteed fast conditions, guaranteed company and guaranteed chance of a decent time.

Have been training well lately, after an 18.12 within last weeks 5 mile tempo I fancied sub 17.30 earlier this week.  Went to bed last night feeling a bit rough and today felt shite.  Not shite enough to sack off the only chance of a race for about 2 weeks but still not great.  Really had to do this race so set my stall out at sub 18 being a must with a 17.30 if things went well.

Arrived early, warmed up well and legs felt heavy but not terrible.  Race was delayed 15 mins because there was so many entries - probs nearly 500 seniors which is amazing.  Really didn't help as I just wanted to get started.

Bumped into Micky Moore, Johnny Hertbert & the Uff before the start and had a catch up - mainly about how much weight I was carrying (couldn't bring myself to say I'd done a stone recently lol)

Off we go, and the pace is fucking batshit crazy.  I'm about 30th at 5.10 pace so back off early and relax.  Pace is good - very good - and I feel really easy.  1km in 3.19, focus on getting to 2k before I check my watch.  Race has settled and just trying to find some legs to follow without chopping stride. 

Hit 2k in 6.43 (3.24). Nick O from Hunts passes (didn't know him at this stage!) and we work through a group whove started too hard and settle into a working group of 4.  Focus here just get to 3k and try not to give much away.  know 17.30 is more than doable from here if I don't do anything stoopid.

3k in 10.08 (3.25) my math is off as I think this is 3.35 and pace is below target.  Four of us are working and it's hard work now.  500m passes slowly and I relax. push on for some reason to the front of the group.  We all do a bit each without actually working together which helps.

4k - no idea - it's a bit twisty and turny last km so only had a couple of brief glances at watch in the whole km.  Push hard for first 4-500m to give myself a chance then realise I've burn't a match. Work hard to stay close to the others but I'm hanging.  Round the last corner and over the line just after Nick. Stop my Garmin after the time keeper with 17.00 on the clock.  Fuck, surely I had a sprint !!

Way better than expected, waiting for official results and there is a slim chance of a sub 17 but wither way it's on the button.  Much, much better than it has been and it's going to be my fastest 5k since 2011 ! 

I did say at New Year my target this year was to get under 17 again.  I knew it was possible but it was so distant then that it must have looked like a pipe dream.

Next up is a couple of track races. All my shit has to fit around the boys races - I guess that's just how it goes.

Nice to say I've finally remembered exactly what it is that I do ;)


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