The crazy gang

Steady 10k yesterday. After Parkrun with the kids, legs felt good. Settled on low 7's at around 150 bpm so bang on steady effort. Run came in at 7/mm on the dot.  A good sign that fitness is there but must admit felt a bit shite after a week without doing much productive.

Funny how the head goes, 6 miles felt a fairly long way after last week whereas beforehand it barely felt like I'd warmed up !

Massage this morning with Jenny. Quads are feeling much better, back / shoulder is still fucked but work in progress there.

Aim this week is to stay on top of the body.  Looks like I have 3 track races in the diary this week - 800m Wednesday and 800m/1500m double on Sunday. Fuck, this is going to be painful !!

Need to get some miles logged after doing sod all for ages so will head out to meet the C&C Kingston runners tonight. they're going easy so run there and back should bring up 10 - first double digits for millenia.

Kids running has been interesting lately. Sawyer is up and down, but I guess that comes with no structure.  I just hope he keeps the keeness up for when he starts proerly training next year.

Jacob had a massive wobble up recently, pretty much a week off (like me) and was on form at Jr Parkrun with a course record on the new St Neots course with 6.41 (his 3rd/4th fastest ever). he ran without a Garmin and thought he ran shit. Could have blown him over with a feather when I told him the time.  Needs a bit of TLC and confidence before he goes anywhere near a serious race again, that will probably be late July now but at least the fitness is there.  He'll be looking at an English Schools entry time for 1500m bagged about 50 weeks early !!

Time to factor in some drills and hurdles now the weather has picked up. I'll set something fun up once a week in the garden. That should get me ready for a chase before the end of the season to see if the old man still has it !!


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