
Rest day Friday, legs totally unresponsive.

Went on the piss Friday night. Nothing too heavy but Parkrun Saturday morning was a disaster!

Started OK, zero warm up as was properly tired. About half mile in lost ground on the group and started dropping back. 5.50 first mile (was probably faster but signal is shit round there) into 6:20 second mile and by then the white flag was being waved. 6:40 pace last mile for 18.57 and slower pace for 3 miles than my longer relaxed threshold tempo on Tuesday!

Got a couple of extra miles in the evening just to tick the legs over.

Sunday morning did the junior parkrun commute to Wimpole. 5.2 miles there (net uphill) @ 7:35/mm and then 5.1 miles back (?) at 7:15/mm. Nice way to bank a long run and the route (apart from the long grass) was pretty decent.

Monged out and went cinema, wanted to get another run banked but missed the boat.

Will do the old double day tomorrow (4 & 5) with either some effort in the evening or the Kibgston handicap.  Tuesday rest or recovery run then Ferry Meadows Wednesday.

I'd say I'm fitter than last month but certainly not an awful lot faster.  With a near week off things haven't progressed much and I'd say I'm certainly looking to mix things up coming into the next couple of months. Think I need to extend the threshold to 5 miles and add in a track session with a view to getting some sharpness in the engine.


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