
There is a lot I could say about this topic.  Boozing has given me some of the funniest nights of my life.  It's also given me pretty much all of the most toe curling-ly embarrassing moments you could imagine.

Yes Monday night was fun, but it was up there with the Darren is a pissed up shouty dick head ones.  The big problem with boozing is the after effects.  Tuesday was an almost total write off.  I managed to shuffle less than 3 miles at 8.59/mm feeling like I was about to die.  Today even, still have that 'hazy, 30 seconds behind what's going on' look about me.

So I am going to take a decent (very decent) break from booze.  I'll have to make up all sorts of excuses to avoid the issue on social situations but it has to be done.

So the alcohol free journey to steeplechase begins.  I've got a fair amount of work to put in over the next few weeks so every little helps right?!


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