Making lemonade out of dog shit

The current situation, lets face it, is utter dog shit.

Not just from a running perspective.  The economy, peoples lives, the shape of everyone's future is going to change once we come out of this current situation.

But you have to take things as they are.  Jake & Sawyer are heading top of their age group this track season and the likelihood is they will have a VERY limited race schedule.

It's a particularly bitter situation for Jake as he heads towards English Schools track which is more likely than not to be cancelled.  He's ambitious, has been patiently building for track and it's likely to be taken away from him in the main part.

In the big scheme of things, this is nothing.  The kids have their health.

But fuck it, this is about running !  I'll leave the social justice blog's to intelligent, but slow people, like Nic P ;)

The current situation presents people, me included, an opportunity.  To catch up on what has been missed in winter.  Jake finished cross country with a couple of shockers at both inter Counties and English Schools.  Backing off now to bring speed work in with some strength will build a big engine and managing form until track eventually starts means he will hit the ground running.  It's also a big chance to mentally recover from winter.

You also have to feel that people coming off a big and solid winter will loose focus and motivation.  Now is the time to remain calm and focussed on the job in hand.  Dial back the specificity and build underlying form.

My running, recently building, felt compromised this week.  Fatigue & stuff throat had me backing off from social interaction.  We pulled the kids out of school in preparation. However, it seems that symptomless (my HR is bang on and breathing fine with no fever or cough) I am ok.  However it seems sensible to remain in a state of semi - isolation.

We're treating this as a long term training camp.  Shakeout runs, eating healthy and staying on top of fitness - this is an opportunity to gain some serious fitness.

Maybe the world ends and none of this matters anyway.  Who knows.  Control the controllable. 


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