Bit off more than I can chew

Felt pretty good today (pre-run) it's difficualt trying to manage the boys training along with my own as I know it's pretty boring - especially for Jake - doing longer winter stuff on his own.

Parkrun with Lola & Sawyer first thing (just watching) then decided to go for Jakes hill session with him. The original plan was to run there, do 20 x crow hill in Cambourne then run home.  It's a bit much for him mileage wise so we drove to Cambourne then jogged straight to the hill and into the set.

Managed 3 hill reps but it was clear from the first that it was causing issues.  Sacked the hills off and set on an easy run but the damage was done so pulled the plug early to stop anything exploding.

Disappointing after buzzing yesterday but really should have just ran my own session.  Just makes sense to help out where I can with J's training plan as he has some big aims.  He managed all 20 reps.

Finished the week at 22.7 miles in 5 days at low 7s so pretty good and progress from last 2 weeks. 

It's getting there but 2 quality sessions in 2 days is a bit silly.  To be fair I wasn't exactly burning up the hill lol

Will persevere next week, keep up the S&C and keep pushing a bit to see if I can stay on top.

Fucked me off more that weight was back up close to 11 stone today.  Booze and eting shit because I've had a couple of good runs.  Need to get back in the good habbits I was in at the end of summer.


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