More Ketchup

After jiggering my hip flexors on Friday's jog with Ange, I made a late decision to Parkrun Saturday.  Was aiming to be sensible and rest but want to get my 50 done by the end of this year.  I'm half way but considering I did my first one in 2010 that's a run rate of 2.5 per year so far!

We checked out the new Fulbourn Hospital course.  Quite liked it but hip flexors were in pieces at the finish (strangely fine during run) and I was crimping a shit back for all my life from before the start #horrific  Will def do it again, but as it's only 5 mins closer than Gt Denham I'll keep that on for my fast ones.

Took Sunday off and watched the kids do county XC champs at Priory Park (Sawyer boy 25th in u13 race & Jacob 6th in u15s) - gutted I had to miss but I'd still be out there now I reckon if I had run.

Going to try and run tonight - easy 5 with John around Cambourne.  Flexors were pretty shite yesterday but touch wood loose enough today.  Have to start building conditioning so 4-5 days per week at 5 miles or so will do nicely.  Lots of stretching and rolling and being patient.  Need to start factoring 1 treadmill run per week.  It will a) mean I keep distance down as it's boring and b) help rehab as it's soft.

Weight isn't horiffic (as yet) so as long as I can start running (relatively) freely I can add strength work in and start to build something resembling fitness. The key for now is being able to do the strength work to stop this shit happening again without doing it too soon and causing more damage.

Marshalling county schools xc on Sat so no Parkrun but no bad thing, if I do pick up a couple of weeks training then at least I should roll off a decent 5k.  Mind you, by decent I mean 18.30 #fucksake

Interesting to see how the comeback goes, still at that stage where it's just every run thinking 'is it going to be ok today?'  Frustrating as hell but boy that first clear run will feel good.


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