No Grey Zone

After #tempoTuesday came #wankyWednesday. A very laboured 10k @ 8:40/mm around the trails.
In honesty I was pretty tired and should have rested Wednesday rather than Thursday but I wanted to keep the weight down (it was lowest for years post run - 10st 12.6 lbs) so Thursday worked out OK as I had a million and 1 admin jobs to sort.

Today I revisited an old classic.  10 mins warm up at a good pace, into 15 mins @ 160 bpm, couple of minutes rest between to bring the HR drift down then 15 mins at 165+ bpm then a 10 min cool down.

When I was fit this was roughly MP and HMP but unconditioned I'd say more like HM and 10k pace.

Was a little nervy before the start as previous days following rest I've been dog shit.

10 mins warm up @ 150 bpm came in at 7:01/mm which is OK. It was actually 145 bpm avg and only maxed at 150 which is a good sign.

The first tempo section climbed to 160 bpm and pace hovered between 6:12 and 6:18/mm finally settling on 6:16/mm which is really nice as the HR didn't drift much over 160 (think 161 was max). Pace felt really comfortable.  Must admit though my head still needs work. I would say half marathon at this effort is doable right now.

Had to stretch off my right calf between the efforts as it was a bit grumbly in the flats.

Second set went straight to 6/mm and dropped to 5:53/mm pretty early (first 5 mins) HR went straight to 165 and stayed there without too much fuss. Didn't have to pay too much attention as PE was about right today.

Went slightly wrong on the trail then turned and had to run last 10 mins up the hill and into wind so really happy to keep this to 5:57/mm. It felt much harder than the 6:16 section but was in control.  30 mins of solid effort banked and kept cool down 10 mins to 7:05/mm.

Scores on the doors, 7:75 miles @ 6:27/mm so pretty good session.

For comparison I did this session in November when I was running OK - probs 18 min 5k shape.  10 mins @ 6:59/mm (145 bpm), 15 mins @ 6:17/mm (162 bpm), 15 mins @ 6:02/mm (168 bpm), 8 mins @ 6:53/mm (156 bpm) so very similar - tempo paces faster this time for slightly less HR.

That's 2 tempo sessions this week. Out tonight and tomorrow so the plan (which may go entirely out the window) is ...  Saturday 5 recovery plus 4 easy treadmill. Sunday 8 steady.  Will give me around 45 for the week.

It's still not entirely there, long way to go but sessions & structure are starting to come together a bit more.


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