Ugly tempo

Standard tempo session tonight.  Hit the track then 2 laps at a decent pace (7:15/mm).  Stop and stretch then drills.  Head out to the car park to start.

Legs felt heavy beforehand and I wore the Pegasus instead of the 4% this week.

Started off and felt fine. Pace settled to around 5:49/mm then down the hill clipped the first mile in 5:46/mm.  Pushed on to mile 2 and HR starts to rise but can keep it under control. Pace down to 5:51/mm where it stays until 5k.  Catch DC slightly after that on his easy run, quick chat and pace drops to 5:53/mm. Push on and hit THE HILL.  Last 1km my HR sky rockets to around 175 bpm and pace drops drastically. Finish up pretty fucked at 5:57/mm avge for the run.

Felt fine at 5km but tonight just didn't have the legs for the hill at the end.  Last 1km was a mess.

Small walk to get HR back under control then an easy cool down with DC.  Finish up at 5.8 miles at 6:20/mm.

Positive is that this is 3 weeks running this session has been under 6/mm.  This was not as easy as last week but certainly easier than week before.

Negative is this is session has hit a bit of a plateau.

Saying that, I think I am just lacking race fitness so next few weeks should set that right.Once I tick off a few races the pace should drop a little.  I'd be a lot happier seeing 5:3x for this session. Mind you, it might be worth knobbing the hill off next time and turning right to stay on the flat back towards Nedlingworth road.

I could probably also do with swapping this out for mile reps. Should be able to kick out 5.20 ish pace for 4.

Back home the legs do actually feel OK.  Think getting used to doing tempo work is bulking up the conditioning some.  Will do the 10 mile loop tomorrow nice and easy and see how they feel.


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