
Parkrun this morning.  I fucking hate early starts !!

Plan was very simple.  17.30 target BUT sub 18 a must (that's the ranking time for Parkrun on po10!)

Still not 100% confident, especially on early starts.  Aim in my head was go off at 5.30 pace first mile.  If all is well try and run 5.30 through the card, however, if going well keep the HR down and card this as a hard tempo.

Got there early, warmed up. Today the hard mile was 7.20/mm - I fucking hate early starts!  Legs were complaining first thing but once I'd warmed up they weren't too bad.

Slotted in at the start in 6th place - lots of fast starters.  Got to the little drop around the generator building and checked the pace - 5.14/mm - #fucksake lol dropped the pace back, eased into 5th place and settled in.  Felt good and passed the mile in 5.29. 

Eased into mile 2, no dramatics. The legs feel OK and I'm fine. Pace settled around 5.30 - 5.35/mm and I'm happy here.  Push up the hill to end the lap and make the turn.  Nice downhill start to lap 2 and move into 4th.  Catch and BRJ James as mile 2 comes up in 5.33/mm.  Bang tidy.

Mile 3, start to work a little harder than neccesary - back off a little. I know 17.30 is done, sub 17 would be a huge push.  What I didn't know now was the course was going to come up a lot longer on the Garmin and it would be a lot closer than I thought!

BRJ James works hard and catches as we make the turn for the last hill.  Mile beeps in 5.37 - nice splits and I cruise home last bit for 17.27 on my Garmin (17.29 official).

Feel pretty good to be fair.  HR was 168 bpm for 3.14 miles @ 5:35/mm.  Positive run that!

Course is bang on, loop is big enough not to get trouble in the crowds.  The long 1km section of hard pack is mentally tough and the finish hill is a real drag on lap 2 but for a time I would def come here or Milton or Bedford.

Probably best executed road race this year.  Now I have a morning marker I'll aim at similar HR and hope times comes down closer to 16.xx over summer.

Maccy D's breakfast like a pro on the way home too.

Decent mileage this week.  Steady 10k with DC last night at 6:59/mm and the pace is always improving.

Next week have a 1500m on Tuesday so week will be a bit strange but hopefully get some intervals in Thursday and Parkrun @ tempo again Saturday.


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