Track #2 8 x 400m

Track tonight. Not gonna lie, I really didn't fancy it today and couldn't see how on earth I was going to drag my ass round double last weeks session.

Warmed up with DC, strides and stretching and into the set -

73, 70, 73, 74, 74, 73, 72, 71 off around 90 for an average of 73.

Decent start, same issue that lack of speed is the limiting factor but it does feel like there is a little more in there.  I'll probably loop back to the 200s next week and keep sticking to these 2 sessions for the foreseable.  I'd like to get down to 30 & 70 avge which I think puts me where I need to be.  A long way from speed haha !!

It's not actually terrible, I'm pushing from both sides and hoping to see that slight and consistent improvement.  Got to keep patient now, it'll come. 

Plan is a nice easy hour tomorrow in the heat - sweat out the multiple bbq from this week!

Then Thursday a tempo - ideally 5 miles and ideally 5.50 off better HR than last week.  That ticks the boxes for the week, and then probably a longish run Friday morning so I can have a bit of flexibility at the weekend.

Pace around 4:53/mm tonight.  That's plenty I guess when I'm looking to run 5:20/mm but lacking a bit for the very low 5's.  The recovery was quite long - around 90 secs for the 100m walk so I'll probably try and reduce the recovery as well as the pace. these should probs be off about a minute but a tough set to do solo.  I'll look at what I was doing a few years ago in the group.  I have a feeluing I was carrying a LOT more speed but the threshold / tempo now is better hence the better shape over 5km now.


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