Tempo tempo

After a solid 5 day block today's planned session was the 5 mile threshold (159 bpm) tempo.  Strong warm up and cool down makes it a solid workout.

Hard to guess what would happen but with fatigue and heat I'd guessed it may go over threshold but the plan was always to stay relaxed.

Met Dan at the track and warmed up.  7.17/mm pace and legs a little grumbly.

Into the session and the start was a bit bleugh but we settled and first mile was a solid 5.50. Mile 2 we're keeping the pace the same then nightmare my shoelace comes undone.  Stop to tie it up and Dan has jogged on.  Although he hasn't he's kept the pace up !

Pick up the pace to catch him and pass the mile in 5.49 and then push on for a good half mile to catch him. Hes struggling and I feel pretty good so I press on but hold back a  little.  Mile up in 5.50 exactly (literally 5.50.00) Make the turn on a dodgy roundabout & start of mile 4 is 6.15 pace but work into the wind to get that down to 5.56.

Spend ages waiting to cross at Maccy D's and push on through town to finish up with a 5.51 last mile and a nice set of splits (5.51/mm avge with some farting about).

HR went north of lunar trying to catch Dan and to be honest I felt absolutely fine so I didn't bother reeling it in.  Turned into a tempo-tempo session rather than a threshold-tempo but rest day tomorrow for Anges' birthday so no need to panic.

Jogged back to the track and finish up with 7.2 miles @ 6.19/mm. Solid.  The tempo section was 5 miles @ 5.52/mm @ 166 bpm

HR a little high but happy enough.  Lots of work to do but seeing these come down to the 5.35/mm range is going to take time BUT isn't beyond the wit of man !

Not entirely sure how we're going to fit everything in this weekend but we'll try !  This block is up there with the best I've had for many years, legs have felt bomb proof. Decent gap until I next race so will be looking forward to that in 3 weeks or so


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