Better than expected

8.66 miles @ 7.36/mm for 150 bpm today in the end today. Felt much higher HR and felt slower over all so pleased to see the stats when I finished.

Didn't manage to get out in the afternoon, too busy at work so just got as much done as I could this evening which meant 8.66 miles instead of the budgeted 16 today. Legs were very tired - think I still have something in my system which makes HR climb too much. Still plenty of room for improvement but confident that my Hatfield Broad Oak I'll be in sub 35 shape. Need to get some speed and strength in my legs but at least it's not a total lost cause!!

Sitting here tonight in Skins under PJ's - feels wrong but something I need to keep doing to keep legs fresh. Once I get my bounce back things will be much better.

60+ mpw needed to get the running where it needs to be.

Will knock out a 20 on the bike on Friday and maybe do a quick 4 mile run afterwards to see what happens. Ordered trunks and goggles today and will do my swim debut next Monday :)


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