Long VERY slow run today. Plan was to do 12 at sub 140 bpm. Regularly I would expect the 142 bpm it came out with to be worth 7:45 pace. Today it came out at 8:23 pace. From the off it was slow going and HR rose until about 7 miles when it steadied off at 145 bpm.

I quite enjoyed it today, felt a bit tired but a hard session on the legs last night was always going to make it tough and the equal longest run for 6 weeks was always going to be extra hard work.

Interestingly on the 3rd May I ran 6 miles after a hard track session and I ran 6 miles for same HR and pace so I have increased it to double distance for the same return which is an improvement although 1186 beats per mile is an apalling 150 beats too high !!

Think I am immersing myself in hard training which is making the HR raise so high. Work rate being there I think will get me to improve, all I need to do is pick the right day to rest and then nail it afterwards. I think as long as I can nail a longer interval session and a proper long slow run I will be on track to pb next weekend.

Key tonight is rest. Tomorrow is best day to do intervals, if I can knock out 6 x 3 mins over Hinchingbrook at any pace and then hit 17 miles on Friday I will be dead set for the week. Saturday run will be a bonus and then a proper rest day Sunday - well, maybe a blast on the bike? After that I need to pick a plan for race week to get me to HBO in sub 36 shape. I reckon I could run 38 mins right now but if I get this right sub 35:48 could just happen.

Got to get my head around the fact that I need to hit key sessions, not miles targets. 1 x fast intervals, 1 x longer intervals, 2 x LSR. Thats it, nothing deadly, just mix and match for 3 weeks and I am ready to rhumble !!

Not sure when I can bike this week, probably Sunday as I said. We'll see how it goes.


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