Swim debut & HR Test

Swim at Manor of Groves pool yesterday for the first time. Wow, it's better than I thought but a LONG way from swimming 400m non-stop !!

Started by doing some lengths with a break. Concentrated on swimming long and kicking from the hips. Started with 24 strokes per length but was down to a much better 20 by the end. 20 strokes for 20m sounds reasonable after my first session!

Started doing 40m after about 10 mins and finished with 100m straight. What I notice is that when I am comfortable it's all easy but when I start to struggle EVERYTHING falls apart !!

Not a bad first effort. 25 mins in the pool and felt like a reasonable workout. Will aim to do 40 mins next week and see how that goes.

Surprisingly my legs felt much fresher afterwards - take note - may have to do this instead of a morning run occasionally.

Got home from the pool, had dinner, took Jacob to his swimming lesson then it was time to do my run. Decided to do my 5 mile HR test route.

Took resting HR - 53 after a day so pretty good. The session is 1 mile @ 140 bpm, 1 mile @ 150 bpm, 1 mile @ 155 bpm and 1 mile @ 160 bpm. The aim is to move through the gears and see how my HR / pace improves with effort. The session finishes with just over a mile at recovery effort.

Scores on the doors were:

1.00 8:26 @ 138 bpm
1.00 7.01 @ 151 bpm
1.00 7.10 @ 156 bpm
1.00 6.33 @ 163 bpm
1.00 7.18 @ 153 bpm

Overall 151 bpm for 7:18 m/m and 1102 beats per mile. NOT GOOD !!

Compare this to best ever readings:

1.00 7:07 @ 135 bpm
1.00 6:39 @ 150 bpm
1.00 6:22 @ 156 bpm
1.00 5:58 @ 163 bpm
1.00 6:48 @ 151 bpm

For 151 bpm for 6:36 m/m and 997 beats per mile;

and I can see how far I have to go !!! It's not the end of the world - for one I had a long day and did swim so wasn't 100% fresh. Also I was just heading into marathon taper in good shape there so I know a consistent block of training will get me back in shape. Also, compared to HR, the pace is very easy - 7:15 pace feels way easier than 150 bpm so thats got a lot to answer for.

One thought thats been going through my head is I need to nail a longer, easier run every week and this week I am going to make the effort to get it done. At least 17 miles @ 140-145 bpm AND it will be part of a double day. Thats some statement to make in the shape that I am in !!!


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