Aqua Jogging

OK, so 3 seconds after subbmitting last post I remembered I had an aqua belt and a pool #firstworldprobs

So 30 mins aqua jog.  Yep, it's not the most exciting but it's a work out.  It's taken a huge load off knowing that I can do this to hold off the injuries and not take any risks.

Not 100% it'll be as effective as running (even slow) but it 100% won't add any stress to the body.

I'll swap out runs with aqua sessions as and when needed now that I can.

Obvs I'll still aim to run outside but it's an option.  I'll bank the miles on fetch and TP but not strava as that would be properly wank.

30 mins easy aqua jog - feels similar to 30 mins easy / steady - 7.30-8/mm but without any leg deadening (just a light buzz). Not sure what sessions would be like but will see what happens.


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