W4? D4? :: Speeeeeeed

Not sure what week or day it is, everything is a blur!

Speed work today.  The session - 2 x (4 x 200m) off walk back recoveries and 5 mins set rest.

Did it with the boys, the aim was Sawyer to run flat out and Jacob to coast it.

Rest day yesterday, foot wasn't 100% so wanted to give it a chance to heal (pardon the pun).  Still waiting on the new Infinity reacts (arrived today)

Jogged up to the quiet trail and marked out the course, just over 0.12m

First rep - just before the end the big cunt wolf dog appeared with the old man and jumped at Jacob.  Then it nicked our cone (fucking dog).  Old dude is not strong enough to hold the fucking thing back.

Walk back, session is quiet from then on.

Finish session as - 32, 31, 31, 31, 31, 32, 32, 31

First 4 in Peggy Turbos and scond set in Streak LT spikes.

The spikes felt better on but foot wasn't as great. Hammys very tight after.

Jogged back home for a short 3.5 mile session but with a mile in around 4:15.

Recoveries for Tuesday and Today's session are a bit long.  Instead of 1500m and 800m pace session they work out more like 800 & 400m pace!

But it's a good start, need to focus the week on hitting these sessions now, these are the priority.

Not sure where I can take these times down to but I'll consider current times around 17:15 5k pace so the marker is 74 & 31 for the same session.  I'll try and bring recovery time down first as pace is probably as quick as it needs to be.

Rehab tonight and hopefully an easy 8 miles or so tomorrow.  Next session is 4 x 1,000m on Saturday off shorter recoveries aiming at 5k pace.

Then long run if I can on Sunday to bank a pretty solid week.

Everything still hinging on the foot recovery but happy enough with form.  Once I'm confident in the foot I'll try a 5k TT again and see what that looks like.  Def pick a better course this time (i.e downhill !!)


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