Shit,  woke up this morning and foot is totally fucked.  If I could go to the physio I would be making the call.

Instead Dr Google it is.

After lots of prodding and searching I've set on Peroneal tendonitis as the most likely issue. Stretching the muscle outside the shin and doing shit that I found on you tube definitely helped.

Got to the stage where I went from properly hobbling about to kitting up for a run. Laced up the shoes and jogged a few steps on the spot but made the call to sack it off as it just wasn't right and certainly wasn't going to help any.

Not ideal but need to be sensible.  Was only going to get a recovery 5 miles in anyhow.

Strangely back is pretty shredded today - not sure if all connected.  Most likely issue was running the 5k in 4% yesterday and aggravating the fuck out of it.

Having just got myself to the point of respectability with yesterdays run I'll keep focus and hopefully get back on it tomorrow.  Motivation is really high right now so want to make the most of that while I can !!

Lots more stretching and rehabbing tonight.  Fingers crossed that helps. Second self diagnoses was heel bursitis so icing that area too.

Interesting looking at results from the virtual 5k - strangely addictive.  Next time I will 100% do the downhill route, actually fancy giving that a crack soon anyways !

With this happening I will just aim (aim) to so easy miles for the est of the week and bank a respectable number if possible. 

Frustrating but sometimes good to have a knock back just to remind you how important something really is, when you feel like being a pussy.


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