W2 D5 :: Bang

OK, so today's going to be a rest!

I'm pretty toast if I'm honest. I could run but I'm just feeling dog tired.  Eat well, rest well, go easy (as planned tomorrow) and hit it harder Sunday (maybe)

I knew a rest day was on the cards, the fatigue is pretty high and it's still too early to take any panic measures.  I 'could' run, for sure, but it'll be another slog.

So fingers crossed a day off and a day easy = fresh legs.  It's hard to believe average pace was well under 7/mm when mileage was 20-30 a week not so long ago.

Next weeks plan looks solid. Basically getting more threshold work in and bringing paces down on shorter mileage.  We're still 10 weeks - probably 20 from anything resembling race day so DON'T PANIC !!

Must admit last night was first time my head started going a bit looking at everyone's Strava paces and then looking at my deteriorating pace chart!

However fitness is up from 39 - 50 during lockdown - where it needs to be so we shall see if that means anything once the legs have had a chance to recover.

Mentally I'm tired, feels like running general runs at sub 7 pace would be almost impossible but lets see what happens.

If this works, I'll probably keep the plan for 2 weeks cycles of threshold / miles and keep trying to build up on the numbers.  If not, fuck it, back to 20-30 a week quicker miles lol

Complete rest today so no s&c or anything but that will need to come back into next week.

Also need a specific strength plan with running as uphill and wind are shocking - worse than normal. My whole form goes to shit and everything. Some gains there.

So building fitness is almost done.  50 CTL is roughly where I was at last year on form, slowly bring that up to 60 and see what happens but either way certainly need to ease it back up rather than big ramp up like this time.

Strength - as said - I need to focus on, think the trails will pay off in the long run.  The conditioning work is key but think I need the lower mile weeks to push that, hurdle drills and lunges and form drills are key.

Pace wise, I'm running around 7:45/mm easy - that needs to drop sub 7 really before I feel like I am moving a bit.  Hope to see that kind of pace in a couple of weeks but we'll see how the body reacts to recent plodding.


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